Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 16, 2012

If there is only 1 truth...

Why are there 2 sides to a story?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Wanted to share this story from 步步惊心...
But was too lazy to type it!
Luckily there is this blogger who is very 有心 to have penned it...
Thanks CottageByTheRiver!

人,年少时吃了冰糖葫芦..觉得冰糖葫芦是人间美味. 可是因为冰糖葫芦乃是路边小吃, 对身体百害而无益处.. 所以就决定在也不吃冰糖葫芦了..

虽下定决心了, 他对冰糖葫芦还是念念不忘. 就算是试过了贵花糕, 名贵又健康.. 他还是任为冰糖葫芦是天上有地上无的. 心里对冰糖葫芦还是情有独中.

有一天..他终于吃到了他日盼夜盼的冰糖葫芦. 怎么知道.. 冰糖葫芦送进嘴里, 跟他儿时记忆里的那味道截然不同. 这.. 怎么可能是他朝夕睦想的冰糖葫芦呢?

他这时才枉然大悟.. 原来, 他最爱的味道是那每天都在身边盘旋着的贵花糕.

人.. 往往都不懂得珍惜身边的人与物, 只懂的无畏的追寻着已失去的回忆. 就算让你失而复得, 也未必是你当初记忆里的那些回忆了..

所以.. 珍惜眼前人.

Monday, February 13, 2012


All of a sudden, everywhere is playing songs by WH...
This "craze" usually happens only when that singer had passed away.
Almost everyone will then remember that this singer was really a great singer (she really is!)
But why is it only at that time?

One is greatly missed, only when that one is gone.